What do you want?
One thing that all the features in the fest’s World Cinema category have in common this year is that they include people who are trying to figure out what they want. Whether it’s the 20-something struggling actress on vacation with her boyfriend who has more important things to do in This is Where I Meet You, or the young Wessi coming back to Mongolia after many years growing up in the West trying to assert herself in Black Milk, or the titular character in Tereza37 who is trying to deal with societal expectations and figure out what she actually wants.
While some of the films in this category feature stories of women as main characters, women are not the only ones who are not sure what they want. There is also Karsten in Irgendwann Ist Auch Mal Gut [It’s Gonna Be Fine] who is trying to figure out how to deal with his parent’s blunt announcement that has massive repercussions on his life, and Josue in Un 4to de Josue [A Quarter of Josue] who is trying to figure out how to get the girl and graduate high school, and in El Rey de la Fiesta [King of the Party], there is Héctor, in a major midlife crisis, bored with his life and contemplating being someone else for a while. In Eyimofe [This is My Desire], both Mofe and Rosa are trying to figure out how to make their dreams of moving abroad come true.
The fun part is that they all have a different twist on this same basic premise, some are hilarious, some are serious, some are playful or silly and some are total mind trips. Choose your adventure!